گوشت مرغ سیاه منبع آنتی اکسیدان

Chicken meat is an antioxidant source

One of the benefits of black poultry meat is its antioxidant properties. Carnosine antioxidant has recently been discovered in black chicken meat

گوشت مرغ سیاه منبع آنتی اکسیدان














1. Antioxidant source

One of the benefits of black poultry meat is its antioxidant properties. Carnosine antioxidant has recently been discovered in black chicken meat. In addition, it has been proven that black chicken has more carnosine than white chicken. As has been shown, antioxidant properties play an important role in promoting the health of the body. One of the important benefits of having antioxidants in the body is its protection against inflammation.

2. Protects eyesight

The antioxidants found in this chicken help improve the body’s function. One of those functions is protecting your eyesight.

3. Source of protein

The amount of protein in black chicken is higher than in other birds. Chicken meat is very effective for those who want to have a muscular body.

4. Low cholesterol

All people consume food to meet their needs. Most of them are looking for foods that are low in cholesterol. Since cholesterol levels are lower in white chicken than in white chicken. So you can eat black chicken without worry.

5. Source of Vitamin B
Black Chicken is a good source of Vitamin B; Vitamin B2, B2, B2 and B2 are also present in this chicken. These vitamins play an important role in promoting the body’s metabolism.

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6. Source of Vitamin E
Black Chicken has a good source of Vitamin E. It helps prevent blood clots in the body and also reduces coronary artery disease.

7. Iron source

Another nutrient in black chicken is the iron element. Iron in black chicken can help you meet your body’s iron requirement. Note that iron deficiency in the body can cause specific health problems such as anemia and chronic fatigue.

8. Phosphorus source
One of the health benefits of black poultry meat is the supply of nutrients such as phosphorus. The benefits of phosphorus in the body are many, including that it can strengthen bones and is good for the body’s metabolism.

9. Calcium source
Surprisingly, black chicken also has some calcium. We all know that enough calcium in the body can increase bone structure and density. So to protect your bones, you can consume dairy products regularly with black chicken.

10. Source of amino acids

The ability of black chicken to promote health is amazing. In fact, this meat can also supply our body with the essential amino acid we need. Amino acid is known as a muscle supplement. This acid helps the body to build muscle continuously and it also regulates the flexibility of blood vessels.

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11. Increases energy

As explained earlier, black chicken has a lot of protein. These nutrients can be helpful in increasing the body’s energy level. In addition, the presence of minerals and amino acids also help create energy.

12. Improves heart health

With iron and other nutrients and minerals in black chicken you can be sure that eating black chicken meat will ensure your heart health. If you have no history of heart disease. As iron and other minerals prevent blood from clotting in the body, this reduces the risk of heart problems.

13. Promotes women’s health

One of the silkworms called Kadaknath has the potential to promote women’s health. The ingredients in the meat of this type of black hen make the menstruation period more regular and increase the likelihood of fertility.

14. Improve sexual function

As mentioned above, the Kadaknath Black Chicken has an excellent ability to promote body health. Like a bell pepper. Consumption of Kadaknath black poultry meat can increase blood flow and help improve sexual function.

15. Headache treatment

Perhaps you should take tea as a natural healer to treat headaches. Because tea has high antioxidants. In certain cases, you can substitute black chicken soup with tea to fix your problem. Because black chicken also has high antioxidants and can treat headaches.

16. Asthma treatment

Not only for the treatment of headaches, black eggs can also be useful for the treatment of asthma. Although this benefit has not yet been proven, consuming black chicken can be the next step in a healthy life.

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